IgorProIO Demo#

Import our packages

import os
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import zipfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neo.io import get_io

Then download some data Downloaded from Human Brain Project Collaboratory Digital Reconstruction of Neocortical Microcircuitry (nmc-portal) http://microcircuits.epfl.ch/#/animal/8ecde7d1-b2d2-11e4-b949-6003088da632

datafile_url = "https://microcircuits.epfl.ch/data/released_data/B95.zip"
filename_zip = "B95.zip"
filename = "grouped_ephys/B95/B95_Ch0_IDRest_107.ibw"
urlretrieve(datafile_url, filename_zip)

zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(filename_zip)  # create zipfile object
zip_ref.extract(path=".", member=filename)  # extract file to dir

Once we have our data we can use get_io to find an io (Igor in this case). Then we read the analogsignals Finally we will make some nice plots

reader = get_io(filename)
signal = reader.read_analogsignal()
plt.plot(signal.times, signal)

plot igorio

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.543 seconds)

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