Neo core API Reference#

Relationships between Neo objects#

  • With a star = inherits from Quantity

  • In red = required

  • In white = recommended

  • In cyan = one to many


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This figure does not include ChannelView and RegionOfInterest.

neo.core provides classes for storing common electrophysiological data types. Some of these classes contain raw data, such as spike trains or analog signals, while others are containers to organize other classes (including both data classes and other container classes).

Classes from return nested data structures containing one or more classes from this module.


class neo.core.Block(name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, file_datetime=None, rec_datetime=None, index=None, **annotations)#

Main container gathering all the data, whether discrete or continuous, for a given recording session.

A block is not necessarily temporally homogeneous, in contrast to Segment.


>>> from neo.core import Block, Segment, Group, AnalogSignal
>>> from quantities import nA, kHz
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # create a Block with 3 Segment and 2 Group objects
,,, blk = Block()
>>> for ind in range(3):
...     seg = Segment(name='segment %d' % ind, index=ind)
...     blk.segments.append(seg)
>>> for ind in range(2):
...     group = Group(name='Array probe %d' % ind)
...     blk.groups.append(group)
>>> # Populate the Block with AnalogSignal objects
... for seg in blk.segments:
...     for group in blk.groups:
...         a = AnalogSignal(np.random.randn(10000, 64)*nA,
...                          sampling_rate=10*kHz)
...         group.analogsignals.append(a)
...         seg.analogsignals.append(a)
Required attributes/properties:


Recommended attributes/properties:

(str) A label for the dataset.


(str) Text description.


(str) Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.


(datetime) The creation date and time of the original data file.


(datetime) The date and time of the original recording.

Note: Any other additional arguments are assumed to be user-specific metadata and stored in annotations.

Container of:

Segment Group

Block.filter(targdict=None, data=True, container=False, recursive=True, objects=None, **kwargs)#

Return a list of child objects matching any of the search terms in either their attributes or annotations. Search terms can be provided as keyword arguments or a dictionary, either as a positional argument after data or to the argument targdict. A key of a provided dictionary is the name of the requested annotation and the value is a FilterCondition object. E.g.: equal(x), less_than(x), InRange(x, y).

targdict can also be a list of dictionaries, in which case the filters are applied sequentially.

A list of dictionaries is handled as follows: [ { or } and { or } ] If targdict and kwargs are both supplied, the targdict filters are applied first, followed by the kwarg filters. A targdict of None or {} corresponds to no filters applied, therefore returning all child objects. Default targdict is None.

If data is True (default), include data objects. If container is True (default False), include container objects. If recursive is True (default), descend into child containers for objects.

objects (optional) should be the name of a Neo object type, a neo object class, or a list of one or both of these. If specified, only these objects will be returned. If not specified any type of object is returned. Default is None. Note that if recursive is True, containers not in objects will still be descended into. This overrides data and container.


>>> obj.filter(name="Vm")
>>> obj.filter(objects=neo.SpikeTrain)
>>> obj.filter(targdict={'myannotation':3})
>>> obj.filter(name=neo.core.filters.Equal(5))
>>> obj.filter({'name': neo.core.filters.LessThan(5)})
class neo.core.Segment(name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, file_datetime=None, rec_datetime=None, index=None, **annotations)#

A container for data sharing a common time basis.

A Segment is a heterogeneous container for discrete or continuous data sharing a common clock (time basis) but not necessary the same sampling rate, start or end time.


name: str | None, default: None

A label for the dataset.

description: str | None, default: None

Text description.

file_origin: str | None, default: None

Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.

rec_datetime: datetime.datetime| None, default: None

The date and time of the original recording

index: int | None, default: None

You can use this to define a temporal ordering of your Segment. For instance you could use this for trial numbers.

annotations: dict | None,

Other keyword annotations for the dataset


>>> from neo.core import Segment, SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal
>>> from quantities import Hz, s
>>> seg = Segment(index=5)
>>> train0 = SpikeTrain(times=[.01, 3.3, 9.3], units='sec', t_stop=10)
>>> seg.spiketrains.append(train0)
>>> train1 = SpikeTrain(times=[100.01, 103.3, 109.3], units='sec',
...                     t_stop=110)
>>> seg.spiketrains.append(train1)
>>> sig0 = AnalogSignal(signal=[.01, 3.3, 9.3], units='uV',
...                     sampling_rate=1*Hz)
>>> seg.analogsignals.append(sig0)
>>> sig1 = AnalogSignal(signal=[100.01, 103.3, 109.3], units='nA',
...                     sampling_period=.1*s)
>>> seg.analogsignals.append(sig1)


Container of:

Epoch Event AnalogSignal IrregularlySampledSignal SpikeTrain

Segment.filter(targdict=None, data=True, container=False, recursive=True, objects=None, **kwargs)#

Return a list of child objects matching any of the search terms in either their attributes or annotations. Search terms can be provided as keyword arguments or a dictionary, either as a positional argument after data or to the argument targdict. A key of a provided dictionary is the name of the requested annotation and the value is a FilterCondition object. E.g.: equal(x), less_than(x), InRange(x, y).

targdict can also be a list of dictionaries, in which case the filters are applied sequentially.

A list of dictionaries is handled as follows: [ { or } and { or } ] If targdict and kwargs are both supplied, the targdict filters are applied first, followed by the kwarg filters. A targdict of None or {} corresponds to no filters applied, therefore returning all child objects. Default targdict is None.

If data is True (default), include data objects. If container is True (default False), include container objects. If recursive is True (default), descend into child containers for objects.

objects (optional) should be the name of a Neo object type, a neo object class, or a list of one or both of these. If specified, only these objects will be returned. If not specified any type of object is returned. Default is None. Note that if recursive is True, containers not in objects will still be descended into. This overrides data and container.


>>> obj.filter(name="Vm")
>>> obj.filter(objects=neo.SpikeTrain)
>>> obj.filter(targdict={'myannotation':3})
>>> obj.filter(name=neo.core.filters.Equal(5))
>>> obj.filter({'name': neo.core.filters.LessThan(5)})
class neo.core.Group(objects=None, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, allowed_types=None, **annotations)#

Can contain any of the data objects, views, or other groups, outside the hierarchy of the segment and block containers. A common use is to link the SpikeTrain objects within a Block, possibly across multiple Segments, that were emitted by the same neuron.

Required attributes/properties:


Recommended attributes/properties:

(Neo object) Objects with which to pre-populate the Group


(str) A label for the group.


(str) Text description.


(str) Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.

Optional arguments:

(list or tuple) Types of Neo object that are allowed to be added to the Group. If not specified, any Neo object can be added.

Note: Any other additional arguments are assumed to be user-specific

metadata and stored in annotations.

Container of:

AnalogSignal, IrregularlySampledSignal, SpikeTrain, Event, Epoch, ChannelView, Group

class neo.core.AnalogSignal(signal, units=None, dtype=None, copy=None, t_start=array(0.) * s, sampling_rate=None, sampling_period=None, name=None, file_origin=None, description=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

Array of one or more continuous analog signals.

A representation of several continuous, analog signals that have the same duration, sampling rate and start time. Basically, it is a 2D array: dim 0 is time, dim 1 is channel index

Inherits from quantities.Quantity, which in turn inherits from numpy.ndarray.


>>> from neo.core import AnalogSignal
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> sigarr = AnalogSignal([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], units='V',
...                            sampling_rate=1*pq.Hz)
>>> sigarr
<AnalogSignal(array([[1, 2, 3],
      [4, 5, 6]]) * mV, [0.0 s, 2.0 s], sampling rate: 1.0 Hz)>
>>> sigarr[:,1]
<AnalogSignal(array([2, 5]) * V, [0.0 s, 2.0 s],
    sampling rate: 1.0 Hz)>
>>> sigarr[1, 1]
array(5) * V
Required attributes/properties:

(quantity array 2D, numpy array 2D, or list (data, channel)) The data itself.


(quantity units) Required if the signal is a list or NumPy array, not if it is a Quantity


(quantity scalar) Time when signal begins


or sampling_period (quantity scalar) Number of samples per unit time or interval between two samples. If both are specified, they are checked for consistency.

Recommended attributes/properties:

(str) A label for the dataset.


(str) Text description.


(str) Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.

Optional attributes/properties:

(numpy dtype or str) Override the dtype of the signal array.


(bool) True by default.


(dict) Dict mapping strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

Note: Any other additional arguments are assumed to be user-specific metadata and stored in annotations.

Properties available on this object:

(quantity scalar) Number of samples per unit time. (1/sampling_period)


(quantity scalar) Interval between two samples. (1/quantity scalar)


(Quantity) Signal duration, read-only. (size * sampling_period)


(quantity scalar) Time when signal ends, read-only. (t_start + duration)


(quantity 1D) The time points of each sample of the signal, read-only. (t_start + arange(shape`[0])/:attr:`sampling_rate)


AnalogSignal objects can be sliced. When taking a single column (dimension 0, e.g. [0, :]) or a single element, a Quantity is returned. Otherwise an AnalogSignal (actually a view) is returned, with the same metadata, except that t_start is changed if the start index along dimension 1 is greater than 1. Note that slicing an AnalogSignal may give a different result to slicing the underlying NumPy array since signals are always two-dimensional.

Operations available on this object:

== != + * /

class neo.core.IrregularlySampledSignal(times, signal, units=None, time_units=None, dtype=None, copy=None, name=None, file_origin=None, description=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

An array of one or more analog signals with samples taken at arbitrary time points.

A representation of one or more continuous, analog signals acquired at time t_start with a varying sampling interval. Each channel is sampled at the same time points.

Inherits from quantities.Quantity, which in turn inherits from numpy.ndarray.


times: quantity array 1D |numpy array 1D | list

The time of each data point. Must have the same size as signal.

signal: quantity array 2D | numpy array 2D | list (data, channel)

The data itself organized as (n_data x n_channel)

units: quantity units | None, default: None

The units for the signal if signal is numpy array or list Ignored if signal is a quantity array

time_units: quantity units | None, default: None

The units for times if times is a numpy array or list Ignored if times is a quantity array

dtype: numpy dtype | string | None, default: None

Overrides the signal array dtype Does not affect the dtype of the times which must be floats

copy: bool | None, default: None

deprecated and no longer used (for NumPy 2.0 support). Will be removed.

name: str | None, default: None

An optional label for the dataset

description: str | None, default: None

An optional text description of the dataset

file_origin: str | None, default: None

The filesystem path or url of the orginal data

array_annotations: dict | None, default: None

Dict mapping strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

annotations: dict

Optional additional metadata supplied by the user as a dict. Will be stored in the annotations attribute of the object


Attributes that can accessed for this object:
  • sampling_intervals: quantity 1d array

    Interval between each adjacent pair of samples (times[1:] - times[:-1])

  • duration: quantity scalar

    Signal duration, read-only (times[-1]-times[0])

  • t_start: quantity scalar

    Time when signal begins, read-only (times[0])

  • t_stop: quantity scalar

    Time when signal ends, read-only (times[-1])

  • IrregularlySampledSignal objects can be sliced. When this

    occurs, a new IrregularlySampledSignal (actually a view) is returned, with the same metadata, except that times is also sliced in the same way.

  • ==

  • !=

  • /


>>> from neo.core import IrregularlySampledSignal
>>> from quantities import s, nA
>>> irsig0 = IrregularlySampledSignal([0.0, 1.23, 6.78], [1, 2, 3],
...                                   units='mV', time_units='ms')
>>> irsig1 = IrregularlySampledSignal([0.01, 0.03, 0.12]*s,
...                                   [[4, 5], [5, 4], [6, 3]]*nA)
>>> irsig0 == irsig1
class neo.core.ChannelView(obj, index, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

A tool for indexing a subset of the channels within an AnalogSignal or IrregularlySampledSignal;


obj: Neo.AnalogSignal | Neo.IrregularlySampledSignal

The neo object to index

index: list | np.ndarray

Boolean or integer mask to select the channels of interest

name: str | None, default: None

A label for the dataset.

description: str | None, default: None

Text description.

file_origin: str | None, default: None

Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.

array_annotations: dict | None, default: None

Dict mapping strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

annotations: dict

Other use-specified metadata with keywords

class neo.core.Event(times=None, labels=None, units=None, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

Array of events which are the start times of events along with the labels of the events


times: quantity array 1d | list

The times of the events

labels: numpy.ndarray 1d dtype=’U’ | list

Names or labels for the events

units: quantity units | None, default: None

If times are list the units of the times If times is a quantity array this is ignored

name: str | None, default: None

An optional label for the dataset

description: str | None, default: None

An optional text descriptoin of the dataset

file_orgin: str | None, default: None

The filesystem path or url of the original data file

array_annotations: dict | None, default: None

Dict mapping strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

**annotations: dict

Additional user specified metadata stored in the annotations attribue


>>> from neo.core import Event
>>> from quantities import s
>>> import numpy as np
>>> evt = Event(np.arange(0, 30, 10)*s,
...             labels=np.array(['trig0', 'trig1', 'trig2'],
...                             dtype='U'))
>>> evt.times
array([  0.,  10.,  20.]) * s
>>> evt.labels
array(['trig0', 'trig1', 'trig2'],
class neo.core.Epoch(times=None, durations=None, labels=None, units=None, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

Array of epochs.


times: quantity array 1D | numpy array 1D | list | None, default: None

The start times of each time period. If None, generates an empty array

durations: quantity array 1D | numpy array 1D | list | quantity scalar | float | None, default: None

The length(s) of each time period. If a scalar/float, the same value is used for all time periods. If None, generates an empty array

labels: numpy.array 1D dtype=’U’ | list | None, default: None

Names or labels for the time periods. If None, creates an empty array

units: quantity units | str | None, default: None

The units for the time Required if the times is a list or NumPy, not required if it is a Quantity

name: (str) A label for the dataset, description: (str) Text description, file_origin: (str) Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.


>>> from neo.core import Epoch
>>> from quantities import s, ms
>>> import numpy as np
>>> epc = Epoch(times=np.arange(0, 30, 10)*s,
...             durations=[10, 5, 7]*ms,
...             labels=np.array(['btn0', 'btn1', 'btn2'], dtype='U'))
>>> epc.times
array([  0.,  10.,  20.]) * s
>>> epc.durations
array([ 10.,   5.,   7.]) * ms
>>> epc.labels
array(['btn0', 'btn1', 'btn2'],

Recommended attributes/properties:

Optional attributes/properties:

(dict) Dict mapping strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

Note: Any other additional arguments are assumed to be user-specific metadata and stored in annotations,

class neo.core.SpikeTrain(times, t_stop, units=None, dtype=None, copy=None, sampling_rate=array(1.) * Hz, t_start=array(0.) * s, waveforms=None, left_sweep=None, name=None, file_origin=None, description=None, array_annotations=None, **annotations)#

SpikeTrain is a Quantity array of spike times.

It is an ensemble of action potentials (spikes) emitted by the same unit in a period of time.


times: quantity array 1D | numpy array 1D | list

The times of each spike.

t_stop: quantity scalar | numpy scalar |float

Time at which the SpikeTrain ended. This will be converted to the same units as times. This argument is required because it specifies the period of time over which spikes could have occurred. Note that t_start is highly recommended for the same reason.

units: (quantity units) | None, default: None

Required if times is a list or numpy.ndarray` Not required if times is a quantities.Quantity

dtype: numpy dtype | str | None, default: None

Due to change in copy behavior this argument is also deprecated during construction

copy: bool, default: None

Deprecated in order to support NumPy 2.0 and will be removed.

sampling_rate: quantity scalar, default: 1.0 pq.Hz

Number of samples per unit time for the waveforms.

t_start: quantity scalar | numpy scalar | float

Time at which the`SpikeTrain` began. This will be converted to the same units as times.

waveforms: quantity array 3D (n_spikes, n_channels, n_time) | None, default: None
The waveforms of each spike if given must be of the correct shape

None indicates no waveforms

left_sweep: (quantity array 1D) | None, default: None

Time from the beginning of the waveform to the trigger time of the spike.

name: str | None, default: None

A label for the dataset.

description: str | None, default: None

A text description of this dataset

file_origin: str | Filesystem path | URL | None, default: None

The path or location of the original data file.

array_annotations: dict

A dictonary mapping of strings to numpy arrays containing annotations for all data points

annotations: dict

Other user defined metadata given as a dict


Useful properties of a SpikeTrain

  • sampling_period: quantity scalar

    Interval between two samples (1/sampling_rate)

  • duration: quantity scalar

    Duration over which spikes can occur read-only (t_stop - t_start)

  • spike_duration: quantity scalar

    Duration of a waveform, read-only (waveform.shape[2] * sampling_period)

  • right_sweep: quantity scalar

    Time from the trigger times of the spikes to the end of the waveforms, read-only (left_sweep + spike_duration)

  • times: quantity array 1D

    Returns the SpikeTrain as a quantity array.


SpikeTrain objects can be sliced. When this occurs, a new SpikeTrain (actually a view) is returned, with the same metadata, except that waveforms is also sliced in the same way (along dimension 0). Note that t_start and t_stop are not changed automatically, although you can still manually change them.


>>> from neo.core import SpikeTrain
>>> from quantities import s
>>> train = SpikeTrain([3, 4, 5]*s, t_stop=10.0)
>>> train2 = train[1:3]
>>> train.t_start
array(0.0) * s
>>> train.t_stop
array(10.0) * s
>>> train
<SpikeTrain(array([ 3.,  4.,  5.]) * s, [0.0 s, 10.0 s])>
>>> train2
<SpikeTrain(array([ 4.,  5.]) * s, [0.0 s, 10.0 s])>
class neo.core.ImageSequence(image_data, units=Dimensionless('dimensionless', 1.0 * dimensionless), dtype=None, copy=None, t_start=array(0.) * s, spatial_scale=None, frame_duration=None, sampling_rate=None, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, **annotations)#

Representation of a sequence of images, as an array of three dimensions organized as [frame][row][column].

Inherits from quantities.Quantity, which in turn inherits from numpy.ndarray.


>>> from neo.core import ImageSequence
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> img_sequence_array = [[[column for column in range(20)]for row in range(20)]
...                         for frame in range(10)]
>>> image_sequence = ImageSequence(img_sequence_array, units='V',
...                                sampling_rate=1 * pq.Hz,
...                                spatial_scale=1 * pq.micrometer)
>>> image_sequence
ImageSequence 10 frames with width 20 px and height 20 px; units V; datatype int64
sampling rate: 1.0
spatial_scale: 1.0
>>> image_sequence.spatial_scale
array(1.) * um
Required attributes/properties:

(3D NumPy array, or a list of 2D arrays) The data itself


(quantity units)


or frame_duration (quantity scalar) Number of samples per unit time or duration of a single image frame. If both are specified, they are checked for consistency.


(quantity scalar) size for a pixel.


(quantity scalar) Time when sequence begins. Default 0.

Recommended attributes/properties:

(str) A label for the dataset.


(str) Text description.


(str) Filesystem path or URL of the original data file.

Optional attributes/properties:

(numpy dtype or str) Override the dtype of the signal array.



Note: Any other additional arguments are assumed to be user-specific metadata and stored in annotations.

Properties available on this object:

(quantity scalar) Number of samples per unit time. (1/frame_duration)


(quantity scalar) Duration of each image frame. (1/sampling_rate)


Size of a pixel


(Quantity) Sequence duration, read-only. (size * frame_duration)


(quantity scalar) Time when sequence ends, read-only. (t_start + duration)

class neo.core.RectangularRegionOfInterest(image_sequence, x, y, width, height, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, **annotations)#

Representation of a rectangular ROI


>>> roi = RectangularRegionOfInterest(20.0, 20.0, width=5.0, height=5.0)
>>> signal = image_sequence.signal_from_region(roi)
Required attributes/properties:
x, y:

(integers or floats) Pixel coordinates of the centre of the ROI


(integer or float) Width (x-direction) of the ROI in pixels


(integer or float) Height (y-direction) of the ROI in pixels

class neo.core.CircularRegionOfInterest(image_sequence, x, y, radius, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, **annotations)#

Representation of a circular ROI


>>> roi = CircularRegionOfInterest(20.0, 20.0, radius=5.0)
>>> signal = image_sequence.signal_from_region(roi)
Required attributes/properties:
x, y:

(integers or floats) Pixel coordinates of the centre of the ROI


(integer or float) Radius of the ROI in pixels

class neo.core.PolygonRegionOfInterest(image_sequence, *vertices, name=None, description=None, file_origin=None, **annotations)#

Representation of a polygonal ROI


>>> roi = PolygonRegionOfInterest(
...     (20.0, 20.0),
...     (30.0, 20.0),
...     (25.0, 25.0)
... )
>>> signal = image_sequence.signal_from_region(roi)
Required attributes/properties:

tuples containing the (x, y) coordinates, as integers or floats, of the vertices of the polygon