======================== Neo 0.12.0 release notes ======================== 17th February 2023 .. currentmodule:: neo.io Change of packaging system -------------------------- We have updated our tooling for building and installing Neo to follow the `latest recommendations`_ of the Python community (using pyproject.toml, etc.) For users, this means you should always use `pip` to install Neo, unless you're using another package manager such as `conda`, `spack`, or a Linux package manager. Improved file format detection ------------------------------ In addition to the existing :func:`get_io()` function, there is now an additional utility function for finding a suitable IO for a given dataset. :func:`list_candidate_ios()` provides a list of all IOs supporting the formats detected in a given path. This list is generated based on the file extension of the file or the extensions of the matching files in a given folder, potentially also scanning subfolders if required. Bug fixes and improvements in IO modules ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes and/or improvements have been made to :class:`OpenEphysBinaryIO` and :class:`NWBIO`. Other changes ------------- - The IO test suite has been greatly improved, with a substantial speed-up. See all `pull requests`_ included in this release and the `list of closed issues`_. Updated dependencies -------------------- We have dropped support for Python 3.7 and added support for 3.11. Neo now requires NumPy version >=1.19.5 and Quantities >=v0.14.1. Acknowledgements ---------------- Thanks to Julia Sprenger, Andrew Davison, and Samuel Garcia for their contributions to this release. .. generated with git shortlog --since=2022-10-21 -sne then checking Github for PRs merged since the last release but with commits before then .. _`list of closed issues`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A0.12.0+is%3Aclosed .. _`pull requests`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+merged%3A%3E2022-10-21+milestone%3A0.12.0 .. _`latest recommendations`: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/