Neo RawIO


For performance and memory consumption reasons a new layer has been added to Neo.

In brief:
  • is the user-oriented read/write layer. Reading consists of getting a tree of Neo objects from a data source (file, url, or directory). When reading, all Neo objects are correctly scaled to the correct units. Writing consists of making a set of Neo objects persistent in a file format.
  • neo.rawio is a low-level layer for reading data only. Reading consists of getting NumPy buffers (often int16/int64) of signals/spikes/events. Scaling to real values (microV, times, …) is done in a second step. Here the underlying objects must be consistent across Blocks and Segments for a given data source.

The neo.rawio API has been added for developers. The neo.rawio is close to what could be a C API for reading data but in Python/NumPy.

Not all IOs are implemented in neo.rawio but all classes implemented in neo.rawio are also available in

Possible uses of the neo.rawio API are:
  • fast reading chunks of signals in int16 and do the scaling of units (uV) on a GPU while scaling the zoom. This should improve bandwith HD to RAM and RAM to GPU memory.
  • load only some small chunk of data for heavy computations. For instance the spike sorting module tridesclous does this.
The neo.rawio API is less flexible than and has some limitations:
  • read-only
  • AnalogSignals must have the same characteristcs across all Blocks and Segments: sampling_rate, shape[1], dtype
  • AnalogSignals should all have the same value of sampling_rate, otherwise they won’t be read at the same time.
  • Units must have SpikeTrain event if empty across all Block and Segment
  • Epoch and Event are processed the same way (with durations=None for Event).
For an intuitive comparison of and neo.rawio see:
  • example/
  • example/

One speculative benefit of the neo.rawio API should be that a developer should be able to code a new RawIO class with little knowledge of the Neo tree of objects or of the quantities package.

Basic usage

First create a reader from a class:

>>> from neo.rawio import PlexonRawIO
>>> reader = PlexonRawIO(filename='File_plexon_3.plx')

Then browse the internal header and display information:

>>> reader.parse_header()
>>> print(reader)
PlexonRawIO: File_plexon_3.plx
nb_block: 1
nb_segment:  [1]
signal_channels: [V1]
unit_channels: [Wspk1u, Wspk2u, Wspk4u, Wspk5u ... Wspk29u Wspk30u Wspk31u Wspk32u]
event_channels: []

You get the number of blocks and segments per block. You have information about channels: signal_channels, unit_channels, event_channels.

All this information is internally available in the header dict:

>>> for k, v in reader.header.items():
...    print(k, v)
signal_channels [('V1', 0,  1000., 'int16', '',  2.44140625,  0., 0)]
event_channels []
nb_segment [1]
nb_block 1
unit_channels [('Wspk1u', 'ch1#0', '',  0.00146484,  0., 0,  30000.)
('Wspk2u', 'ch2#0', '',  0.00146484,  0., 0,  30000.)

Read signal chunks of data and scale them:

>>> channel_indexes = None  #could be channel_indexes = [0]
>>> raw_sigs = reader.get_analogsignal_chunk(block_index=0, seg_index=0,
                    i_start=1024, i_stop=2048, channel_indexes=channel_indexes)
>>> float_sigs = reader.rescale_signal_raw_to_float(raw_sigs, dtype='float64')
>>> sampling_rate = reader.get_signal_sampling_rate()
>>> t_start = reader.get_signal_t_start(block_index=0, seg_index=0)
>>> units =reader.header['signal_channels'][0]['units']
>>> print(raw_sigs.shape, raw_sigs.dtype)
>>> print(float_sigs.shape, float_sigs.dtype)
>>> print(sampling_rate, t_start, units)
(1024, 1) int16
(1024, 1) float64
1000.0 0.0 V

There are 3 ways to select a subset of channels: by index (0 based), by id or by name. By index is not ambiguous 0 to n-1 (included), for some IOs channel_names (and sometimes channel_ids) have no guarantees to be unique, in such cases it would raise an error.

Example with BlackrockRawIO for the file FileSpec2.3001:

>>> raw_sigs = reader.get_analogsignal_chunk(channel_indexes=None) #Take all channels
>>> raw_sigs1 = reader.get_analogsignal_chunk(channel_indexes=[0,  2, 4])) #Take 0 2 and 4
>>> raw_sigs2 = reader.get_analogsignal_chunk(channel_ids=[1, 3, 5]) # Same but with there id (1 based)
>>> raw_sigs3 = reader.get_analogsignal_chunk(channel_names=['chan1', 'chan3', 'chan5'])) # Same but with there name
print(raw_sigs1.shape[1], raw_sigs2.shape[1], raw_sigs3.shape[1])
3, 3, 3

Inspect units channel. Each channel gives a SpikeTrain for each Segment. Note that for many formats a physical channel can have several units after spike sorting. So the nb_unit could be more than physical channel or signal channels.

>>> nb_unit = reader.unit_channels_count()
>>> print('nb_unit', nb_unit)
nb_unit 30
>>> for unit_index in range(nb_unit):
...     nb_spike = reader.spike_count(block_index=0, seg_index=0, unit_index=unit_index)
...     print('unit_index', unit_index, 'nb_spike', nb_spike)
unit_index 0 nb_spike 701
unit_index 1 nb_spike 716
unit_index 2 nb_spike 69
unit_index 3 nb_spike 12
unit_index 4 nb_spike 95
unit_index 5 nb_spike 37
unit_index 6 nb_spike 25
unit_index 7 nb_spike 15
unit_index 8 nb_spike 33

Get spike timestamps only between 0 and 10 seconds and convert them to spike times:

>>> spike_timestamps = reader.spike_timestamps(block_index=0, seg_index=0, unit_index=0,
                    t_start=0., t_stop=10.)
>>> print(spike_timestamps.shape, spike_timestamps.dtype, spike_timestamps[:5])
(424,) int64 [  90  420  708 1020 1310]
>>> spike_times =  reader.rescale_spike_timestamp( spike_timestamps, dtype='float64')
>>> print(spike_times.shape, spike_times.dtype, spike_times[:5])
(424,) float64 [ 0.003       0.014       0.0236      0.034       0.04366667]

Get spike waveforms between 0 and 10 s:

>>> raw_waveforms = reader.spike_raw_waveforms(  block_index=0, seg_index=0, unit_index=0,
                    t_start=0., t_stop=10.)
>>> print(raw_waveforms.shape, raw_waveforms.dtype, raw_waveforms[0,0,:4])
(424, 1, 64) int16 [-449 -206   34   40]
>>> float_waveforms = reader.rescale_waveforms_to_float(raw_waveforms, dtype='float32', unit_index=0)
>>> print(float_waveforms.shape, float_waveforms.dtype, float_waveforms[0,0,:4])
(424, 1, 64) float32 [-0.65771484 -0.30175781  0.04980469  0.05859375]

Count events per channel:

>>> reader = PlexonRawIO(filename='File_plexon_2.plx')
>>> reader.parse_header()
>>> nb_event_channel = reader.event_channels_count()
nb_event_channel 28
>>> print('nb_event_channel', nb_event_channel)
>>> for chan_index in range(nb_event_channel):
...     nb_event = reader.event_count(block_index=0, seg_index=0, event_channel_index=chan_index)
...     print('chan_index',chan_index, 'nb_event', nb_event)
chan_index 0 nb_event 1
chan_index 1 nb_event 0
chan_index 2 nb_event 0
chan_index 3 nb_event 0

Read event timestamps and times for chanindex=0 and with time limits (t_start=None, t_stop=None):

>>> ev_timestamps, ev_durations, ev_labels = reader.event_timestamps(block_index=0, seg_index=0, event_channel_index=0,
                    t_start=None, t_stop=None)
>>> print(ev_timestamps, ev_durations, ev_labels)
[1268] None ['0']
>>> ev_times = reader.rescale_event_timestamp(ev_timestamps, dtype='float64')
>>> print(ev_times)
[ 0.0317]

List of implemented formats

neo.rawio provides classes for reading with low level API electrophysiological data files.

neo.rawio.rawiolist provides a list of successfully imported rawio classes.



Return a neo.rawio class guess from file extention.


class neo.rawio.AxographRawIO(filename, force_single_segment=False)

RawIO class for reading AxoGraph files (.axgd, .axgx)

filename (string):
File name of the AxoGraph file to read.
force_single_segment (bool):
Episodic files are normally read as multi-Segment Neo objects. This parameter can force AxographRawIO to put all signals into a single Segment. Default: False.
>>> import neo
>>> r = neo.rawio.AxographRawIO(filename=filename)
>>> r.parse_header()
>>> print(r)
>>> # get signals
>>> raw_chunk = r.get_analogsignal_chunk(
...     block_index=0, seg_index=0,
...     i_start=0, i_stop=1024,
...     channel_names=channel_names)
>>> float_chunk = r.rescale_signal_raw_to_float(
...     raw_chunk,
...     dtype='float64',
...     channel_names=channel_names)
>>> print(float_chunk)
>>> # get event markers
>>> ev_raw_times, _, ev_labels = r.get_event_timestamps(
...     event_channel_index=0)
>>> ev_times = r.rescale_event_timestamp(
...     ev_raw_times, dtype='float64')
>>> print([ev for ev in zip(ev_times, ev_labels)])
>>> # get interval bars
>>> ep_raw_times, ep_raw_durations, ep_labels = r.get_event_timestamps(
...     event_channel_index=1)
>>> ep_times = r.rescale_event_timestamp(
...     ep_raw_times, dtype='float64')
>>> ep_durations = r.rescale_epoch_duration(
...     ep_raw_durations, dtype='float64')
>>> print([ep for ep in zip(ep_times, ep_durations, ep_labels)])
>>> # get notes
>>> print(['notes'])
>>> # get other miscellaneous info
>>> print(
extensions = ['axgd', 'axgx']
class neo.rawio.AxonRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['abf']
class neo.rawio.BlackrockRawIO(filename=None, nsx_override=None, nev_override=None, nsx_to_load=None, verbose=False)

Class for reading data in from a file set recorded by the Blackrock (Cerebus) recording system.

Upon initialization, the class is linked to the available set of Blackrock files.

Note: This routine will handle files according to specification 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. Recording pauses that may occur in file specifications 2.2 and 2.3 are automatically extracted and the data set is split into different segments.

The Blackrock data format consists not of a single file, but a set of different files. This constructor associates itself with a set of files that constitute a common data set. By default, all files belonging to the file set have the same base name, but different extensions. However, by using the override parameters, individual filenames can be set.

filename (string):
File name (without extension) of the set of Blackrock files to associate with. Any .nsX or .nev, .sif, or .ccf extensions are ignored when parsing this parameter.
nsx_override (string):
File name of the .nsX files (without extension). If None, filename is used. Default: None.
nev_override (string):
File name of the .nev file (without extension). If None, filename is used. Default: None.
nsx_to_load (int, list, ‘max’, ‘all’ (=None)) default None:
IDs of nsX file from which to load data, e.g., if set to 5 only data from the ns5 file are loaded. If ‘all’, then all nsX will be loaded. Contrary to previsous version of the IO (<0.7), nsx_to_load must be set at the init before parse_header().
>>> reader = BlackrockRawIO(filename='FileSpec2.3001', nsx_to_load=5)
>>> reader.parse_header()
Inspect a set of file consisting of files FileSpec2.3001.ns5 and FileSpec2.3001.nev
>>> print(reader)
Display all informations about signal channels, units, segment size….
extensions = ['ns1', 'ns2', 'ns3', 'ns4', 'ns5', 'ns6', 'nev']
class neo.rawio.BrainVisionRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['vhdr']
class neo.rawio.ElanRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['eeg']
class neo.rawio.IntanRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['rhd', 'rhs']
class neo.rawio.MicromedRawIO(filename='')

Class for reading data from micromed (.trc).

extensions = ['trc', 'TRC']
class neo.rawio.NeuralynxRawIO(dirname='', **kargs)

” Class for reading dataset recorded by Neuralynx.

>>> reader = NeuralynxRawIO(dirname='Cheetah_v5.5.1/original_data')
>>> reader.parse_header()
Inspect all file in the directory.
>>> print(reader)
Display all informations about signal channels, units, segment size….
extensions = ['nse', 'ncs', 'nev', 'ntt']
class neo.rawio.NeuroExplorerRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['nex']
class neo.rawio.NeuroScopeRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['xml', 'dat']
class neo.rawio.NIXRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['nix']
class neo.rawio.OpenEphysRawIO(dirname='')

OpenEphys GUI software offers several data formats, see

This class implements the legacy OpenEphys format here

The OpenEphys group already proposes some tools here: but (i) there is no package at PyPI and (ii) those tools read everything in memory.

The format is directory based with several files:
  • .continuous
  • .events
  • .spikes
This implementation is based on:

In contrast to previous code for reading this format, here all data use memmap so it should be super fast and light compared to legacy code.

When the acquisition is stopped and restarted then files are named *_2, *_3. In that case this class creates a new Segment. Note that timestamps are reset in this situation.

Limitation :
  • Works only if all continuous channels have the same sampling rate, which is a reasonable hypothesis.
  • When the recording is stopped and restarted all continuous files will contain gaps. Ideally this would lead to a new Segment but this use case is not implemented due to its complexity. Instead it will raise an error.
Special cases:
  • Normaly all continuous files have the same first timestamp and length. In situations where it is not the case all files are clipped to the smallest one so that they are all aligned, and a warning is emitted.
extensions = []
class neo.rawio.PlexonRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['plx']
class neo.rawio.RawBinarySignalRawIO(filename='', dtype='int16', sampling_rate=10000.0, nb_channel=2, signal_gain=1.0, signal_offset=0.0, bytesoffset=0)
extensions = ['raw', '*']
class neo.rawio.RawMCSRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['raw']
class neo.rawio.Spike2RawIO(filename='', take_ideal_sampling_rate=False, ced_units=True, try_signal_grouping=True)
extensions = ['smr']
class neo.rawio.TdtRawIO(dirname='', sortname='')
extensions = []
class neo.rawio.WinEdrRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['EDR', 'edr']
class neo.rawio.WinWcpRawIO(filename='')
extensions = ['wcp']