************* Release notes ************* What's new in version 0.2.1? ---------------------------- * assorted bug fixes * added :func:`time_slice()` method to the :class:`SpikeTrain` and :class:`AnalogSignalArray` classes. * improvements to annotation data type handling * added PickleIO, allowing saving Neo objects in the Python pickle format. * added ElphyIO (see http://www.unic.cnrs-gif.fr/software.html) * added BrainVisionIO (see http://www.brainvision.com/) * improvements to PlexonIO * added :func:`merge()` method to the :class:`Block` and :class:`Segment` classes * development was mostly moved to GitHub, although the issue tracker is still at neuralensemble.org/neo What's new in version 0.2? -------------------------- New features compared to neo 0.1: * new schema more consistent. * new objects: RecordingChannelGroup, EventArray, AnalogSignalArray, EpochArray * Neuron is now Unit * use the quantities_ module for everything that can have units. * Some objects directly inherit from Quantity: SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal, AnalogSignalArray, instead of having an attribute for data. * Attributes are classifyed in 3 categories: necessary, recommended, free. * lazy and cascade keywords are added to all IOs * Python 3 support * better tests .. _quantities: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantities