Neo IO


The Neo io module aims to provide an exhaustive way of loading and saving several widely used data formats in electrophysiology. The more these heterogeneous formats are supported, the easier it will be to manipulate them as Neo objects in a similar way. Therefore the IO set of classes propose a simple and flexible IO API that fits many format specifications. It is not only file-oriented, it can also read/write objects from a database.

At the moment, there are 3 families of IO modules:
  1. for reading closed manufacturers’ formats (Spike2, Plexon, AlphaOmega, BlackRock, Axon, …)
  2. for reading(/writing) formats from open source tools (KlustaKwik, Elan, WinEdr, WinWcp, …)
  3. for reading/writing Neo structure in neutral formats (HDF5, .mat, …) but with Neo structure inside (NeoHDF5, NeoMatlab, …)

Combining 1 for reading and 3 for writing is a good example of use: converting your datasets to a more standard format when you want to share/collaborate.


There is an intrinsic structure in the different Neo objects, that could be seen as a hierachy with cross-links. See Neo core. The highest level object is the Block object, which is the high level container able to encapsulate all the others.

A Block has therefore a list of Segment objects, that can, in some file formats, be accessed individually. Depending on the file format, i.e. if it is streamable or not, the whole Block may need to be loaded, but sometimes particular Segment objects can be accessed individually. Within a Segment, the same hierarchical organisation applies. A Segment embeds several objects, such as SpikeTrain, AnalogSignal, IrregularlySampledSignal, Epoch, Event (basically, all the different Neo objects).

Depending on the file format, these objects can sometimes be loaded separately, without the need to load the whole file. If possible, a file IO therefore provides distinct methods allowing to load only particular objects that may be present in the file. The basic idea of each IO file format is to have, as much as possible, read/write methods for the individual encapsulated objects, and otherwise to provide a read/write method that will return the object at the highest level of hierarchy (by default, a Block or a Segment).

The API is a balance between full flexibility for the user (all read_XXX() methods are enabled) and simple, clean and understandable code for the developer (few read_XXX() methods are enabled). This means that not all IOs offer the full flexibility for partial reading of data files.

One format = one class

The basic syntax is as follows. If you want to load a file format that is implemented in a generic MyFormatIO class:

>>> from import MyFormatIO
>>> reader = MyFormatIO(filename="myfile.dat")

you can replace MyFormatIO by any implemented class, see List of implemented formats


An IO module can be based on a single file, a directory containing files, or a database. This is described in the mode attribute of the IO class.

>>> from import MyFormatIO
>>> print MyFormatIO.mode

For file mode the filename keyword argument is necessary. For directory mode the dirname keyword argument is necessary.

>>> reader = io.PlexonIO(filename='File_plexon_1.plx')
>>> reader = io.TdtIO(dirname='aep_05')

Supported objects/readable objects

To know what types of object are supported by a given IO interface:

>>> MyFormatIO.supported_objects
[Segment , AnalogSignal , SpikeTrain, Event, Spike]

Supported objects does not mean objects that you can read directly. For instance, many formats support AnalogSignal but don’t allow them to be loaded directly, rather to access the AnalogSignal objects, you must read a Segment:

>>> seg = reader.read_segment()
>>> print(seg.analogsignals)
>>> print(seg.analogsignals[0])

To get a list of directly readable objects

>>> MyFormatIO.readable_objects

The first element of the previous list is the highest level for reading the file. This mean that the IO has a read_segment() method:

>>> seg = reader.read_segment()
>>> type(seg)

All IOs have a read() method that returns a list of Block objects (representing the whole content of the file):

>>> bl =
>>> print bl[0].segments[0]

Read a time slice of Segment

Some objects support the time_slice argument in read_segment(). This is useful to read only a subset of a dataset clipped in time. By default time_slice=None meaning load eveything.

This reads everything:

seg = reader.read_segment(time_slice=None)

This reads only the first 5 seconds:

seg = reader.read_segment(time_slice=(0*pq.s, 5.*pq.s))

Lazy option and proxy objects

In some cases you may not want to load everything in memory because it could be too big. For this scenario, some IOs implement lazy=True/False. Since neo 0.7, a new lazy sytem have been added for some IO modules (all IO classes that inherit from rawio). To know if a class supports lazy mode use ClassIO.support_lazy.

With lazy=True all data objects (AnalogSignal/SpikeTrain/Event/Epoch) are replaced by proxy objects (AnalogSignalProxy/SpikeTrainProxy/EventProxy/EpochProxy).

By default (if not specified), lazy=False, i.e. all data is loaded.

These proxy objects contain metadata (name, sampling_rate, id, …) so they can be inspected but they do not contain any array-like data. All proxy objects contain a load() method to postpone the real load of array like data.

Further more the load() method has a time_slice argument to load only a slice from the file. In this way the consumption of memory can be finely controlled.

Here are two examples that read a dataset, extract sections of the signal based on recorded events, and averages the sections.

The first example is without lazy mode, so it consumes more memory:

lim0, lim1 = -500 *, +1500 *
seg = reader.read_segment(lazy=False)
triggers =[0]
sig = seg.analogsignals[0]  # here sig contain the whole recording in memory
all_sig_chunks = []
for t in triggers.times:
    t0, t1 = (t + lim0), (t + lim1)
    sig_chunk = sig.time_slice(t0, t1)

The second example uses lazy mode, so it consumes less memory:

lim0, lim1 = -500*, +1500*
seg = reader.read_segment(lazy=True)
triggers =[0].load(time_slice=None)  # this loads all triggers in memory
sigproxy = seg.analogsignals[0]  # this is a proxy
all_sig_chunks = []
for t in triggers.times:
    t0, t1 = (t + lim0), (t + lim1)
    sig_chunk = sigproxy.load(time_slice=(t0, t1))  # here real data are loaded

In addition to time_slice, AnalogSignalProxy supports the channel_indexes argument. This allows loading only a subset of channels. This is useful where the channel count is very high.

In this example, we read only three selected channels:

seg = reader.read_segment(lazy=True)
anasig = seg.analogsignals[0].load(time_slice=None, channel_indexes=[0, 2, 18])

Details of API

The API is designed to be simple and intuitive:
  • each file format has an IO class (for example for Spike2 files you have a Spike2IO class).
  • each IO class inherits from the BaseIO class.
  • each IO class can read or write directly one or several Neo objects (for example Segment, Block, …): see the readable_objects and writable_objects attributes of the IO class.
  • each IO class supports part of the neo.core hierachy, though not necessarily all of it (see supported_objects).
  • each IO class has a read() method that returns a list of Block objects. If the IO only supports Segment reading, the list will contain one block with all segments from the file.
  • each IO class that supports writing has a write() method that takes as a parameter a list of blocks, a single block or a single segment, depending on the IO’s writable_objects.
  • some IO are able to do a lazy load: all metadata (e.g. sampling_rate) are read, but not the actual numerical data.
  • each IO is able to save and load all required attributes (metadata) of the objects it supports.
  • each IO can freely add user-defined or manufacturer-defined metadata to the annotations attribute of an object.

If you want to develop your own IO

See IO developers’ guide for information on how to implement a new IO.

List of implemented formats provides classes for reading and/or writing electrophysiological data files.

Note that if the package dependency is not satisfied for one io, it does not raise an error but a warning. provides a list of successfully imported io classes.

Functions:, *args, **kwargs)

Return a Neo IO instance, guessing the type based on the filename suffix.



Class for reading data from Alpha Omega .map files (experimental)

This class is an experimental reader with important limitations. See the source code for details of the limitations. The code of this reader is of alpha quality and received very limited testing.

>>> from neo import io
>>> r = io.AlphaOmegaIO( filename = '')
>>> blck = r.read_block()
>>> print blck.segments[0].analogsignals
extensions = ['map']
class, nb_frame=None, nb_row=None, nb_column=None, units=None, sampling_rate=None, spatial_scale=None, **kwargs)

IO class for reading ImageSequence in a text file

>>> from neo import io
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> r = io.AsciiImageIO(file_name='File_asciiimage_1.txt',nb_frame=511, nb_row=100,
...                     nb_column=100,units='mm', sampling_rate=1.0*pq.Hz,
...                     spatial_scale=1.0*
>>> block = r.read_block()
read block
creating segment
returning block
>>> block
Block with 1 segments
file_origin: 'File_asciiimage_1.txt
# segments (N=1)
0: Segment with 1 imagesequences # analogsignals (N=0)
extensions = []
class, delimiter='t', usecols=None, skiprows=0, timecolumn=None, sampling_rate=array(1.) * Hz, t_start=array(0.) * s, units=UnitQuantity('volt', 1.0 * J/C, 'V'), time_units=UnitTime('second', 's'), method='genfromtxt', signal_group_mode='split-all', metadata_filename=None)

Class for reading signals in generic ascii format. Columns represent signals. They all share the same sampling rate. The sampling rate is externally known or the first column could hold the time vector.

>>> from neo import io
>>> r = io.AsciiSignalIO(filename='File_asciisignal_2.txt')
>>> seg = r.read_segment()
>>> print seg.analogsignals
[<AnalogSignal(array([ 39.0625    ,   0.        ,   0.        , ..., -26.85546875 ...
Arguments relevant for reading and writing:
column delimiter in file, e.g. ‘ ‘, one space, two spaces, ‘,’, ‘;’
None or a valid integer that identifies which column contains the time vector (counting from zero)
units of AnalogSignal can be a str or directly a Quantity
where timecolumn is specified, the time units must be specified as a string or Quantity
the path to a JSON file containing metadata
Arguments relevant only for reading:
if None take all columns otherwise a list for selected columns (counting from zero)
skip n first lines in case they contains header informations
the sampling rate of signals. Ignored if timecolumn is not None
time of the first sample (Quantity). Ignored if timecolumn is not None
if ‘all-in-one’, load data as a single, multi-channel AnalogSignal, if ‘split-all’ (default for backwards compatibility) load data as separate, single-channel AnalogSignals
‘genfromtxt’, ‘csv’, ‘homemade’ or a user-defined function which takes a filename and usecolumns as argument and returns a 2D NumPy array.

If specifying both usecols and timecolumn, the latter should identify the column index _after_ removing the unused columns.

The methods are as follows:
  • ‘genfromtxt’ use numpy.genfromtxt
  • ‘csv’ use csv module
  • ‘homemade’ use an intuitive, more robust but slow method

If metadata_filename is provided, the parameters for reading/writing the file (“delimiter”, “timecolumn”, “units”, etc.) will be read from that file. IF a metadata filename is not provided, the IO will look for a JSON file in the same directory with a matching filename, e.g. if the datafile was named “foo.txt” then the IO would automatically look for a file called “foo_about.json” If parameters are specified both in the metadata file and as arguments to the IO constructor, the former will take precedence.

Example metadata file:

    "filename": "foo.txt",
    "delimiter": " ",
    "timecolumn": 0,
    "units": "pA",
    "time_units": "ms",
    "sampling_rate": {
        "value": 1.0,
        "units": "kHz"
    "method": "genfromtxt",
    "signal_group_mode": 'all-in-one'
extensions = ['txt', 'asc', 'csv', 'tsv']

Class for reading/writing SpikeTrains in a text file. Each Spiketrain is a line.

>>> from neo import io
>>> r = io.AsciiSpikeTrainIO( filename = 'File_ascii_spiketrain_1.txt')
>>> seg = r.read_segment()
>>> print seg.spiketrains     # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[<SpikeTrain(array([ 3.89981604,  4.73258781,  0.608428  ,  4.60246277,  1.23805797,
extensions = ['txt']
class'', force_single_segment=False)

IO class for reading AxoGraph files (.axgd, .axgx)

filename (string):
File name of the AxoGraph file to read.
force_single_segment (bool):
Episodic files are normally read as multi-Segment Neo objects. This parameter can force AxographIO to put all signals into a single Segment. Default: False.
>>> import neo
>>> r =
>>> blk = r.read_block(signal_group_mode='split-all')
>>> display(blk)
>>> # get signals
>>> seg_index = 0  # episode number
>>> sigs = [sig for sig in blk.segments[seg_index].analogsignals
...         if in channel_names]
>>> display(sigs)
>>> # get event markers (same for all segments/episodes)
>>> ev = blk.segments[0].events[0]
>>> print([ev for ev in zip(ev.times, ev.labels)])
>>> # get interval bars (same for all segments/episodes)
>>> ep = blk.segments[0].epochs[0]
>>> print([ep for ep in zip(ep.times, ep.durations, ep.labels)])
>>> # get notes
>>> print(blk.annotations['notes'])
extensions = ['axgd', 'axgx']
extensions = ['bin', 'set', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32']

Class for reading data from pCLAMP and AxoScope files (.abf version 1 and 2), developed by Molecular device/Axon technologies.

  • abf = Axon binary file
  • atf is a text file based format from axon that could be read by AsciiIO (but this file is less efficient.)

Here an important note from erikli@github for user who want to get the : With Axon ABF2 files, the information that you need to recapitulate the original stimulus waveform (both digital and analog) is contained in multiple places.

  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘protocol’] – things like number of samples in episode
  • AxonIO.axon_info[‘section’][‘ADCSection’] | AxonIO.axon_info[‘section’][‘DACSection’] – things about the number of channels and channel properties
  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘protocol’][‘nActiveDACChannel’] – bitmask specifying which DACs are actually active
  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘protocol’][‘nDigitalEnable’] – bitmask specifying which set of Epoch timings should be used to specify the duration of digital outputs
  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘dictEpochInfoPerDAC’] – dict of dict. First index is DAC channel and second index is Epoch number (i.e. information about Epoch A in Channel 2 would be in AxonIO._axon_info[‘dictEpochInfoPerDAC’][2][0])
  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘EpochInfo’] – list of dicts containing information about each Epoch’s digital out pattern. Digital out is a bitmask with least significant bit corresponding to Digital Out 0
  • AxonIO._axon_info[‘listDACInfo’] – information about DAC name, scale factor, holding level, etc
  • AxonIO._t_starts – start time of each sweep in a unified time basis
  • AxonIO._sampling_rate

The current AxonIO.read_protocol() method utilizes a subset of these. In particular I know it doesn’t consider nDigitalEnable, EpochInfo, or nActiveDACChannel and it doesn’t account for different types of Epochs offered by Clampex/pClamp other than discrete steps (such as ramp, pulse train, etc and encoded by nEpochType in the EpochInfoPerDAC section). I’m currently parsing a superset of the properties used by read_protocol() in my analysis scripts, but that code still doesn’t parse the full information and isn’t in a state where it could be committed and I can’t currently prioritize putting together all the code that would parse the full set of data. The AxonIO._axon_info[‘EpochInfo’] section doesn’t currently exist.

extensions = ['abf']

Class for reading data from a BCI2000 .dat file, either version 1.0 or 1.1

extensions = ['dat']

Class for reading data from a Biocam h5 file.

>>> import neo.rawio
>>> r = neo.rawio.BiocamRawIO(filename='biocam.h5')
>>> r.parse_header()
>>> print(r)
>>> raw_chunk = r.get_analogsignal_chunk(block_index=0, seg_index=0,
                                         i_start=0, i_stop=1024,  
>>> float_chunk = r.rescale_signal_raw_to_float(raw_chunk, dtype='float64',
                                                channel_indexes=[0, 3, 6])
extensions = ['h5']
class, **kargs)

Supplementary class for reading BlackRock data using only a single nsx file.

extensions = ['ns1', 'ns2', 'ns3', 'ns4', 'ns5', 'ns6', 'nev']
class, units=None, sampling_rate=None, spatial_scale=None, **kwargs)

Neo IO module for optical imaging data stored as BLK file

>>> from neo import io
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> r = io.BlkIO("file_blk_1.BLK",units='V',sampling_rate=1.0*pq.Hz,
...              spatial_scale=1.0*pq.Hz)
>>> block = r.read_block()
reading the header
reading block
returning block
>>> block
Block with 6 segments
file_origin: 'file_blk_1.BLK'
# segments (N=6)
0: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:0' # analogsignals (N=0)
1: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:1' # analogsignals (N=0)
2: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:2' # analogsignals (N=0)
3: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:3' # analogsignals (N=0)
4: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:4' # analogsignals (N=0)
5: Segment with 1 imagesequences description: 'stim nb:5' # analogsignals (N=0)

Many thanks to Thomas Deneux for the MATLAB code on which this was based.

extensions = []

Class for reading data from the BrainVision product.

extensions = ['vhdr']

Class for reading Brainware raw data files with the extension ‘.dam’.

The read_block method returns the first Block of the file. It will automatically close the file after reading. The read method is the same as read_block.


The file format does not contain a sampling rate. The sampling rate is set to 1 Hz, but this is arbitrary. If you have a corresponding .src or .f32 file, you can get the sampling rate from that. It may also be possible to infer it from the attributes, such as “sweep length”, if present.

>>> from import BrainwareDamIO
>>> damfile = BrainwareDamIO(filename='multi_500ms_mulitrep_ch1.dam')
>>> blk1 =
>>> blk2 = damfile.read_block()
>>> print blk1.segments
>>> print blk1.segments[0].analogsignals
>>> print blk1.units
>>> print blk1.units[0].name
>>> print blk2
>>> print blk2[0].segments
extensions = ['dam']

Class for reading Brainware Spike ReCord files with the extension ‘.f32’

The read_block method returns the first Block of the file. It will automatically close the file after reading. The read method is the same as read_block.

The read_all_blocks method automatically reads all Blocks. It will automatically close the file after reading.

The read_next_block method will return one Block each time it is called. It will automatically close the file and reset to the first Block after reading the last block. Call the close method to close the file and reset this method back to the first Block.

The isopen property tells whether the file is currently open and reading or closed.

Note 1:
There is always only one Group.
>>> from import BrainwareF32IO
>>> f32file = BrainwareF32IO(filename='multi_500ms_mulitrep_ch1.f32')
>>> blk1 =
>>> blk2 = f32file.read_block()
>>> print blk1.segments
>>> print blk1.segments[0].spiketrains
>>> print blk1.units
>>> print blk1.units[0].name
>>> print blk2
>>> print blk2[0].segments
extensions = ['f32']

Class for reading Brainware Spike ReCord files with the extension ‘.src’

The read_block method returns the first Block of the file. It will automatically close the file after reading. The read method is the same as read_block.

The read_all_blocks method automatically reads all Blocks. It will automatically close the file after reading.

The read_next_block method will return one Block each time it is called. It will automatically close the file and reset to the first Block after reading the last block. Call the close method to close the file and reset this method back to the first Block.

The _isopen property tells whether the file is currently open and reading or closed.

Note 1:
The first Unit in each Group is always UnassignedSpikes, which has a SpikeTrain for each Segment containing all the spikes not assigned to any Unit in that Segment.
Note 2:
The first Segment in each Block is always Comments, which stores all comments as an Event object.
Note 3:
The parameters from the BrainWare table for each condition are stored in the Segment annotations. If there are multiple repetitions of a condition, each repetition is stored as a separate Segment.
Note 4:
There is always only one Group.
>>> from import BrainwareSrcIO
>>> srcfile = BrainwareSrcIO(filename='multi_500ms_mulitrep_ch1.src')
>>> blk1 =
>>> blk2 = srcfile.read_block()
>>> blks = srcfile.read_all_blocks()
>>> print blk1.segments
>>> print blk1.segments[0].spiketrains
>>> print blk1.groups
>>> print blk1.groups[0].name
>>> print blk2
>>> print blk2[0].segments
>>> print blks
>>> print blks[0].segments
extensions = ['src']
class, entfile=None, posfile=None)

Class for reading data from CED (Cambridge Electronic Design) spike2. This internally uses the sonpy package which is closed source.

This IO reads smr and smrx files

extensions = ['smr', 'smrx']
class, entfile=None, posfile=None)

Class for reading data from Elan.

Elan is software for studying time-frequency maps of EEG data.

Elan is developed in Lyon, France, at INSERM U821

filename (string) :
Full path to the .eeg file
entfile (string) :
Full path to the .ent file (optional). If None, the path to the ent file is inferred from the filename by adding the “.ent” extension to it
posfile (string) :
Full path to the .pos file (optional). If None, the path to the pos file is inferred from the filename by adding the “.pos” extension to it
extensions = ['eeg']
class, parse_notes=None)

Class for reading Igor Binary Waves (.ibw) or Packed Experiment (.pxp) files written by WaveMetrics’ IGOR Pro software.

It requires the igor Python package by W. Trevor King.

>>> from neo import io
>>> r = io.IgorIO(filename='...ibw')
extensions = ['ibw', 'pxp']
extensions = ['rhd', 'rhs']
class, sampling_rate=30000.0)

Reading and writing from KlustaKwik-format files.

extensions = ['fet', 'clu', 'res', 'spk']

Class for “reading” experimental data from a .kwik file.

Generates a Segment with a AnalogSignal

extensions = ['kwik']

Class for “reading” fake data from a MEArec file.

>>> import neo.rawio
>>> r = neo.rawio.MEArecRawIO(filename='mearec.h5')
>>> r.parse_header()
>>> print(r)
>>> raw_chunk = r.get_analogsignal_chunk(block_index=0, seg_index=0,
                    i_start=0, i_stop=1024,  channel_names=channel_names)
>>> float_chunk = reader.rescale_signal_raw_to_float(raw_chunk, dtype='float64',
                    channel_indexes=[0, 3, 6])
>>> spike_timestamp = reader.spike_timestamps(unit_index=0, t_start=None, t_stop=None)
>>> spike_times = reader.rescale_spike_timestamp(spike_timestamp, 'float64')
extensions = ['h5']
extensions = ['h5']

Class for reading/writing data from Micromed files (.trc).

extensions = ['trc', 'TRC']

Class for reading/writing Neo objects in MATLAB format (.mat) versions 5 to 7.2.

This module is a bridge for MATLAB users who want to adopt the Neo object representation. The nomenclature is the same but using Matlab structs and cell arrays. With this module MATLAB users can use to read a format and convert it to .mat.

Rules of conversion:
  • Neo classes are converted to MATLAB structs. e.g., a Block is a struct with attributes “name”, “file_datetime”, …
  • Neo one_to_many relationships are cellarrays in MATLAB. e.g., seg.analogsignals[2] in Python Neo will be seg.analogsignals{3} in MATLAB.
  • Quantity attributes are represented by 2 fields in MATLAB. e.g., anasig.t_start = 1.5 * s in Python will be anasig.t_start = 1.5 and anasig.t_start_unit = 's' in MATLAB.
  • classes that inherit from Quantity (AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, …) in Python will have 2 fields (array and units) in the MATLAB struct. e.g.: AnalogSignal( [1., 2., 3.], 'V') in Python will be anasig.array = [1. 2. 3] and anasig.units = 'V' in MATLAB.

1 - Scenario 1: create data in MATLAB and read them in Python

This MATLAB code generates a block:

block = struct();
block.segments = { }; = 'my block with matlab';
for s = 1:3
    seg = struct(); = strcat('segment ',num2str(s));

    seg.analogsignals = { };
    for a = 1:5
        anasig = struct();
        anasig.signal = rand(100,1);
        anasig.signal_units = 'mV';
        anasig.t_start = 0;
        anasig.t_start_units = 's';
        anasig.sampling_rate = 100;
        anasig.sampling_rate_units = 'Hz';
        seg.analogsignals{a} = anasig;

    seg.spiketrains = { };
    for t = 1:7
        sptr = struct();
        sptr.times = rand(30,1)*10;
        sptr.times_units = 'ms';
        sptr.t_start = 0;
        sptr.t_start_units = 'ms';
        sptr.t_stop = 10;
        sptr.t_stop_units = 'ms';
        seg.spiketrains{t} = sptr;

    event = struct();
    event.times = [0, 10, 30];
    event.times_units = 'ms';
    event.labels = ['trig0'; 'trig1'; 'trig2'];{1} = event;

    epoch = struct();
    epoch.times = [10, 20];
    epoch.times_units = 'ms';
    epoch.durations = [4, 10];
    epoch.durations_units = 'ms';
    epoch.labels = ['a0'; 'a1'];
    seg.epochs{1} = epoch;

    block.segments{s} = seg;


save 'myblock.mat' block -V7

This code reads it in Python:

import neo
r ='myblock.mat')
bl = r.read_block()
print bl.segments[1].analogsignals[2]
print bl.segments[1].spiketrains[4]

2 - Scenario 2: create data in Python and read them in MATLAB

This Python code generates the same block as in the previous scenario:

import neo
import quantities as pq
from scipy import rand, array

bl = neo.Block(name='my block with neo')
for s in range(3):
    seg = neo.Segment(name='segment' + str(s))
    for a in range(5):
        anasig = neo.AnalogSignal(rand(100)*pq.mV, t_start=0*pq.s,
    for t in range(7):
        sptr = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(40)*, t_start=0*, t_stop=10*
    ev = neo.Event([0, 10, 30]*, labels=array(['trig0', 'trig1', 'trig2']))
    ep = neo.Epoch([10, 20]*, durations=[4, 10]*, labels=array(['a0', 'a1']))

from import NeoMatlabIO
w = NeoMatlabIO(filename='myblock.mat')

This MATLAB code reads it:

load 'myblock.mat'

3 - Scenario 3: conversion

This Python code converts a Spike2 file to MATLAB:

from neo import Block
from import Spike2IO, NeoMatlabIO

r = Spike2IO(filename='spike2.smr')
w = NeoMatlabIO(filename='convertedfile.mat')
blocks =
extensions = ['mat']

Class for reading NEST output files. GDF files for the spike data and DAT files for analog signals are possible.

>>> from import NestIO
>>> files = ['membrane_voltages-1261-0.dat',
>>> r = NestIO(filenames=files)
>>> seg = r.read_segment(gid_list=[], t_start=400 *,
                     t_stop=600 *,
                     id_column_gdf=0, time_column_gdf=1,
                     id_column_dat=0, time_column_dat=1,
extensions = ['gdf', 'dat']
class'', filename='', use_cache=False, cache_path='same_as_resource', exclude_filename=None, keep_original_times=False)

Class for reading data from Neuralynx files. This IO supports NCS, NEV, NSE and NTT file formats.

NCS contains signals for one channel NEV contains events NSE contains spikes and waveforms for mono electrodes NTT contains spikes and waveforms for tetrodes

extensions = ['nse', 'ncs', 'nev', 'ntt']

Class for reading data from NeuroExplorer (.nex)

extensions = ['nex']

Reading from Neuroscope format files.


extensions = ['xml', 'dat']

alias of

class, mode='rw')

Class for reading and writing NIX files.

extensions = ['h5', 'nix']
class, mode='r')

Class for “reading” experimental data from a .nwb file, and “writing” a .nwb file from Neo

extensions = ['nwb']
extensions = []
extensions = []
extensions = []
class, **kargs)

A class for reading and writing Neo data from/to the Python “pickle” format.

Note that files in this format may not be readable if using a different version of Neo to that used to create the file. It should therefore not be used for long-term storage, but rather for intermediate results in a pipeline.

extensions = ['pkl', 'pickle']

Class for reading the old data format from Plexon acquisition system (.plx)

Note that Plexon now use a new format PL2 which is NOT supported by this IO.

Compatible with versions 100 to 106. Other versions have not been tested.

extensions = ['plx']
class, dtype='int16', sampling_rate=10000.0, nb_channel=2, signal_gain=1.0, signal_offset=0.0, bytesoffset=0)

Class for reading/writing data in a raw binary interleaved compact file.

Important release note

Since the version neo 0.6.0 and the neo.rawio API, argmuents of the IO (dtype, nb_channel, sampling_rate) must be given at the __init__ and not at read_segment() because there is no read_segment() in neo.rawio classes.

So now the usage is:
>>>>r = io.RawBinarySignalIO(filename=’file.raw’, dtype=’int16’,
nb_channel=16, sampling_rate=10000.)
extensions = ['raw', '*']
extensions = ['raw']
class, **kargs)
extensions = ['smr']
extensions = ['rec']
class, load_sync_channel=False, load_channel_location=False)

Class for reading data from a SpikeGLX system

The spikeglx folder containing meta/bin files
The last channel (SY0) of each stream is a fake channel used for synchronisation.
extensions = []

Class for converting a stfio Recording to a Neo object. Provides a standardized representation of the data as defined by the neo project; this is useful to explore the data with an increasing number of electrophysiology software tools that rely on the Neo standard.

stfio is a standalone file i/o Python module that ships with the Stimfit program ( It is a Python wrapper around Stimfit’s file i/o library (libstfio) that natively provides support for the following file types:

  • ABF (Axon binary file format; pClamp 6–9)
  • ABF2 (Axon binary file format 2; pClamp 10+)
  • ATF (Axon text file format)
  • AXGX/AXGD (Axograph X file format)
  • CFS (Cambridge electronic devices filing system)
  • HEKA (HEKA binary file format)
  • HDF5 (Hierarchical data format 5; only hdf5 files written by Stimfit or stfio are supported)

In addition, libstfio can use the biosig file i/o library as an additional file handling backend (, extending support to more than 30 additional file formats (

Example usage:
>>> import neo
>>> neo_obj ="file.abf")
>>> import stfio
>>> stfio_obj ="file.abf")
>>> neo_obj =
extensions = ['abf', 'dat', 'axgx', 'axgd', 'cfs']

Class for reading data from from Tucker Davis TTank format.

Terminology: TDT holds data with tanks (actually a directory). And tanks hold sub blocks (sub directories). Tanks correspond to Neo Blocks and TDT blocks correspond to Neo Segments.

extensions = []
class, units=None, sampling_rate=None, spatial_scale=None, **kwargs)

Neo IO module for optical imaging data stored as a folder of TIFF images.

>>> from neo import io
>>> import quantities as pq
>>> r = io.TiffIO("dir_tiff",spatial_scale=1.0*, units='V',
...               sampling_rate=1.0*pq.Hz)
>>> block = r.read_block()
read block
creating segment
returning block
>>> block
Block with 1 segments
file_origin: 'test'
# segments (N=1)
0: Segment with 1 imagesequences
    annotations: {'tiff_file_names': ['file_tif_1_.tiff',
    # analogsignals (N=0)
extensions = []

Class for reading data from WinEdr, a software tool written by John Dempster.

WinEdr is free:

extensions = ['EDR', 'edr']

Class for reading data from WinWCP, a software tool written by John Dempster.

WinWCP is free:

extensions = ['wcp']


neo uses the standard Python logging module for logging. All classes have logging set up by default, although not all classes produce log messages. The logger name is the same as the full qualified class name, e.g. By default, only log messages that are critically important for users are displayed, so users should not disable log messages unless they are sure they know what they are doing. However, if you wish to disable the messages, you can do so:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('neo')
>>> logger.setLevel(100)

Some io classes provide additional information that might be interesting to advanced users. To enable these messages, do the following:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('neo')
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

It is also possible to log to a file in addition to the terminal:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('neo')
>>> handler = logging.FileHandler('filename.log')
>>> logger.addHandler(handler)

To only log to the terminal:

>>> import logging
>>> from neo import logging_handler
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('neo')
>>> handler = logging.FileHandler('filename.log')
>>> logger.addHandler(handler)
>>> logging_handler.setLevel(100)

This can also be done for individual IO classes:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('')
>>> handler = logging.FileHandler('filename.log')
>>> logger.addHandler(handler)

Individual IO classes can have their loggers disabled as well:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('')
>>> logger.setLevel(100)

And more detailed logging messages can be enabled for individual IO classes:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('')
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

The default handler, which is used to print logs to the command line, is stored in neo.logging_handler. This example changes how the log text is displayed:

>>> import logging
>>> from neo import logging_handler
>>> formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
>>> logging_handler.setFormatter(formatter)

For more complex logging, please see the documentation for the logging module.


If you wish to implement more advanced logging as describe in the documentation for the logging module or elsewhere on the internet, please do so before calling any neo functions or initializing any neo classes. This is because the default handler is created when neo is imported, but it is not attached to the neo logger until a class that uses logging is initialized or a function that uses logging is called. Further, the handler is only attached if there are no handlers already attached to the root logger or the neo logger, so adding your own logger will override the default one. Additional functions and/or classes may get logging during bugfix releases, so code relying on particular modules not having logging may break at any time without warning.