======================= Neo 0.6.0 release notes ======================= 23rd March 2018 Major changes: * Introduced :mod:`neo.rawio`: a low-level reader for various data formats * Added continuous integration for all IOs using CircleCI (previously only :mod:`neo.core` was tested, using Travis CI) * Moved the test file repository to https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data - this makes it easier for people to contribute new files for testing. Other important changes: * Added :func:`time_index()` and :func:`splice()` methods to :class:`AnalogSignal` * IO fixes and improvements: Blackrock, TDT, Axon, Spike2, Brainvision, Neuralynx * Implemented `__deepcopy__` for all data classes * New IO: BCI2000 * Lots of PEP8 fixes! * Implemented `__getitem__` for :class:`Epoch` * Removed "cascade" support from all IOs * Removed lazy loading except for IOs based on rawio * Marked lazy option as deprecated * Added :func:`time_slice` in read_segment() for IOs based on rawio * Made :attr:`SpikeTrain.times` return a :class:`Quantity` instead of a :class:`SpikeTrain` * Raise a :class:`ValueError` if ``t_stop`` is earlier than ``t_start`` when creating an empty :class:`SpikeTrain` * Changed filter behaviour to return all objects if no filter parameters are specified * Fix pickling/unpickling of :class:`Events` Deprecated IO classes: * :class:`KlustaKwikIO` (use :class:`KwikIO` instead) * :class:`PyNNTextIO`, :class:`PyNNNumpyIO` (Full `list of closed issues`_) Thanks to Björn Müller, Andrew Davison, Achilleas Koutsou, Chadwick Boulay, Julia Sprenger, Matthieu Senoville, Michael Denker and especially Samuel Garcia for their contributions to this release. .. note:: version 0.6.1 was released immediately following 0.6.0 to fix a minor problem with the documentation. .. _`list of closed issues`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A0.6.0+is%3Aclosed